Saturday, September 3, 2011


it's my 200th post!
wow! i started to write my blog on 30th april 08.
erm,it's almost 3 years that long?i have no idea =P

yeah,just came back from ballet class,i've stopped my ballet class for one and half month because i was in Philippines for 6 weeks so ya,i recovered my first class last night,it was pretty good for me. at least i'm eager student in the class :) i got inspired by my teacher's words today.

dancing=feel before you perform

since most of us dance for quite long time so we just dance because of dance,we just stretch sake of stretch,kick because of kick,that's all!
we were apathetic during dancing,insensitive with our movement,footwork.
i always seeking for the FEEL when i'm dancing no matter where or when?
i always feel joyful and enjoy when i do feel the whole body is moving by following the feel :)
you would see the difference between the flow,not only the movement or footwork are important,the posture and also the feel are essential too!
what can i say? sometimes,the dancer didn't dance better than you,but she/he can get a better respond from the audience. because they really put their heart and soul when they're dancing.

i'm lack of sleep after i'm back from Philippines,arghhh!!!
i've never sleep up to 8 hours everyday because my mom always wake me up early in the morning.
i wanna sleeeeeeeepppp =P 

and what you always tell me,push your limit.nothing is impossible!
i strongly believe this :)
don't discredit yourself,people can do it,why can't you?
and God is fair,everyone has their own advantages which other people doesn't have.
so you're the unique one!
go and find out what's the special of you :)

i'm feeling much better today,thanks so much!:)
my army is fighting with the virus!

*miss you soooooo!

Love.Sarah ♥

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