Friday, December 30, 2011

i hate sleeping

yes,you didn't read it wrongly. i hate sleeping! i'm a person who is well-known with sleeping.i can sleep the whole day.i can sleep up to 16 hours. but these days, since last week, i couldn't sleep well, at all. don't ask me for reason,i don't know why.

i tried not to think before sleeping but everything just came into my mind. mixture of everything until i don't know what's in my mind :( i found hard time when sleeping. nowadays, i slept at 3 or 4am. eventhough i'm fatigue, but i just can't sleep after i switch off computer and everything.

sleeping is a nightmare for me, i'll choose not to sleep if there's a choice for me. but my time are messed up,i woke up in the afternoon everyday so don't ask me how's the morning sun looks like, how's the birds sing. in the coming day, i do hope there's good night sleep for me. i slept and there were always bad dream.

i'm afraid of sleeping now :(

i want to sleep well...


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