Tuesday, March 1, 2011


seriously,today was my luckiest day ever!
i had passed my driving exam without any problem.
the car that i used is still ok compared to kamesh and ramya's car
their were like,omg!!
the hand break in the car was broken and the gear box was like very lousy!
it's terrible at all!

i quite worry when i was driving the hill,because mine wasn't perfect.for me!
but anyway,i passed then that's all!

ok,on the road part.
hmm....what to say.
my examiner was a lady and i didn't like her much!
she didn't look friendly at all.
so i didn't care her so much and she wasn't in good mood also.
what to do?
i just do what i want
i worried about the speed actually.

actually i am damn upset when i saw my friends can't pass the test or just slide down from the hill.
feel like crying.
and i just keep praying in the car
i shouted in the car when i passed the hill.
i worried so much because i didn't do well yesterday.

yea,i'm glad to be the pass person without any big obstacle or any big problem
thank god!!

thx for those who wished me:)
thx for all the luck!

i'll be having my P licence this saturday or monday,HOORAY!!
finally,i can drive!

*have a nice day