Sunday, December 8, 2013

The story of roller coaster

Me: I feel so down and disappointed of myself.
Him: Look at me, just look at me.
Me: *look and turn away*
Him: Do you know how roller coaster works? Show me.
Me: *My hand shows up and down in wavy way*
Him: The roller coaster goes up and what will happen next?
Me: *hand downwards*
Him: And then?
Me: Go up.
Him: Life is like that and which part of the roller coaster is the most exciting?
Me: *silent*
Him: Is it go down? Life is always like that, when something ended badly, there will be up hill.
Me: But this is a life regret.
Him: Why are you still staying in downwards? It is time to go up and don't worry, I will join you in the roller coaster and we will shout together. *fake scream*
Me: Smile with tears

This is how he pick me up all the time. This is one of the way, there are many more. This is how much I appreciate him.

Thank you.


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